photography skills list

Hone Your Photography Skills At Home

Recently, we’ve all found ourselves spending a lot more time at home. While the opportunity to indulge in multiple Netflix binges initially had its allure, many of us are starting to seek out some other ways to occupy ourselves. For some this means revisiting old passion projects or exploring interests they haven’t had the opportunity to dive into before.

If you’re not sure where to start, websites like Coursera have hundreds of classes for you to choose from. However, if you’re reading this, it’s likely you have at least a passing interest in improving your photography skills.

If that sounds about right, we’ve got you covered.

Whether you’d like to learn more about shooting, framing, or editing, now is the perfect time to do a deep dive into photography. We’ve compiled a pretty lengthy list of photography courses — free ones, paid ones, ones that are about editing, and specialized ones that dive into topics like the exposure triangle.

But we’re not stopping there.

We’ve invited expert photographer and longtime Fracture friend Twyla Jones to offer tips for how to take better iPhone photos of your kids. Twyla has previously written for our blog, so we know she’ll be sharing a lot of helpful tips and information.

photography skills at home

Free photography courses you can take online: 

General Photography

  1. Photography Basics (Coursera)
  2. Photography Fundamentals (Skillshare)
  3. The Beginner’s Guide to Photography (Udemy)
  4. Frame a Great Shot: Exploring Photo Composition (Skillshare)
  5. Specifically for Smartphone Users: iPhone and Android Photography Pro Tips (Skillshare)

Photo Editing

  1. GIMP Crash Course (Udemy)
  2. Photoshop Basics for Beginners (Udemy)
  3. Photo Editing (Udemy)

For those who want to invest in some heftier training, here are some paid courses by industry leaders and experts.

free photography courses

Premium photography courses you can take online: 

General Photography

  1. Instagram-Worthy Photography with Brandon Woelfel (Skillshare)
  2. Photography Essentials: Understanding the Basics (Skillshare)
  3. Photography Masterclass (Udemy)
  4. Great Photography Tips (Udemy)
  5. The Ultimate Photography Course (Udemy)
  6. Photography Start (Improve Photography)
  7. iPhone Photography: How to Take Pro Photos on Your iPhone (Skillshare)

Shooting with a DSLR

  1. Fundamentals of DSLR Photography (Skillshare)
  2. DSLR Photography II (Skillshare)
  3. The Basics of Photography: Exposure Triangle (Skillshare)
  4. Digital Photography for Beginners: DSLR Cameras (Udemy)

Photo Editing

  1. Adobe Lightroom: Find  Your Unique Editing Style (Skillshare)
  2. Fundamentals of Photo Editing (Skillshare)
  3. Photoshop CC Essentials (Udemy)
  4. Lightroom Classic CC Photo Editing Course (Udemy)

We believe in the power of photos. Tag us in a photo that showcases your new skills — we’d love to see what you’ve learned.

premium photography courses

About The Author

Drew Allen

Besides being the managing editor of this blog, I'm also a drummer, a husband, and a father, not necessarily in that order. I love good stories, and great design, and I probably quote the Office more than I should but less than I could.

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