I had no idea how special it was to get that moment on camera.
Nick: We met on a dating app, and Alicia and I got brunch.
Alicia: We were there for about four hours.
Nick: Yeah. So I said, “I’m not trying to get you back to my place, but I have to go feed my dog. Do you want to come and hang out? We can get a bottle of wine and just continue our conversation.” She said, “Yes.” Then on the way to the grocery store, I actually deleted the app, the dating app because I knew, like this is it. This is the one.

The Plan
Nick: I came up with the plan to propose to her when she found tickets, very, very cheap tickets, to Hawaii.
Alicia: Well, something that was really special to me was Mount Haleakala on Maui. When my mom and I were there, we had spread some of my dad’s ashes there, and I really wanted to take Nick back to this place that became so special to me.
The Big Day
Nick: So we woke up at 2:00 in the morning. You just drive up the volcano. It takes about two hours to get to the top. We parked, and this gentleman just went up this observation path that nobody else did. I followed him up, and the sun was rising. So I got down on one knee.
Alicia: He starts talking and I almost black out and don’t remember what he says, but then I say, “Oh my God, are you serious?”

The Real Surprise
Nick: The gentleman I actually followed up, he was taking a time lapse of the sunrise. He walked up to me and congratulated me and said … introduced himself to me and said, “I actually got your proposal in the time lapse of the sunrise.”
Alicia: It was amazing that someone had captured that. It wasn’t until after we got that video that the impact really hit me. I never knew how much it would mean to have that moment captured. You experience it, and most people relive these moments all the time. But we were lucky enough to have proof that it happened, and be able to see that anytime we wanted.
Nick: When people aren’t looking, that’s who you truly are. And in that moment, it was just her and I, when I was doing my proposal, and somebody captured that. So I just think that’s … it’s incredible. It’s amazing.
