A calm and peaceful home isn’t just a fad. Wellness means both physical comforts, like relaxing decor, and mental well-being. Making wellness a priority at home takes effort, much more than just watching TV all day. Picture turning your house into a spa where every sense feels at ease. Want to know how? Acknowledging that it’s a full sensory experience is step one. Ready for some exciting tips? Here are ten ways to turn your home into the ultimate wellness haven.
1. Use a calming color palette to inspire your relaxing home decor.
A quick and simple relaxing home decorating idea is to work with a color that evokes calmness. So, what are calming colors, and in what specific ways do they create wellness at home? One great example is the color blue, which is said to enhance feelings of security and trust. Then there’s green, which is associated with nature and symbolizes growth, harmony, and freshness. Cool-toned pastels also can fill a space with calm, soothing energy, transforming your home into a serene spa-like retreat.
2. Hang wall art that creates a relaxing vibe.
Take a quick look at your walls. Are they bland and lackluster, or are they highly cluttered and filled with way too many decorative items? If so, consider balancing out the decor with some calming wall art. From soothing prints that make your home feel like a virtual paradise to beautiful pictures that will shift you into a perpetual state of peace and calm, the options are endless.
3. Design a feel-good gallery wall.
Who doesn’t love a gallery wall? Hang pictures of family during your happiest moments—or beautiful vacation photos from a recent trip. Even printing and hanging images of random people, locations, and things that make you feel grounded and safe can do wonders for bringing a sense of comfort to your home. For a sustainable approach to relaxing home decor, try printing calming images on varying sizes of Fracture glass prints.
4. Choose appropriate lighting for the mood.
Lighting plays a significant role in the overall environment of your home. Oversaturate a space with light, and you run the risk of feeling hot (have you ever accidentally sat next to a bright lamp for too long?), battling glare, having your precious fabrics fade, or putting your helpless houseplants through a torturous death.
To combat this issue, choose lighting fixtures that subtly and intentionally illuminate your home. For example, recessed lighting can be used to highlight pictures or wall art in a way that feels inviting and warm. We also love the idea of using decorative string lights to create a sense of intimacy and relaxation in communal areas like the living room or even in personal spaces like the bedroom or bathroom.
5. Reduce stress with plants.
A key component of wellness is physical health, which brings us to the power of plants, a relaxing home decor idea that will never go out of style. Sure, not everyone is equipped with a green thumb, but the benefits of becoming a plant parent will make it worth the effort.
Not only does decorating your home with plenty of greenery automatically liven up the place, but according to scientists, indoor plants are proven pros at reducing stress, boosting productivity, helping you recover from illness quicker, and enhancing your attention to detail. Additionally, plants add oxygen to the air and function as natural air purifiers by absorbing harmful chemicals. So when it comes to increasing wellness in the home, you can’t go wrong with plants.
6. Work with scents that smell and feel good.
Regardless of whether you have a keen sense of smell or happen to own a nose that frequently takes a day or two off without notice (you have our sympathies, fellow allergy sufferers), it’s essential to infuse your home with scents that smell good and make you feel even better. Purchase candles, plug-ins, or incense from your favorite local shops to help enhance your home’s overall feel- (and smell-) good factor.
Establish an ongoing sense of calm by investing in an essential oil diffuser. Specific oils like lavender, rose, ylang-ylang, and bergamot help to relieve anxiety. To take it a step further, experiment by mixing oils to create a signature scent for your home or create blends to target specific health issues like insomnia, lack of focus, headaches, or muscle tension.
If you prefer a scent-free space, consider purchasing activated carbon to get rid of foul odors or install an efficient air purification system to keep any unwanted smells at bay.

7. Create an environment for clean sleeping.
If the phrase “clean sleeping” makes you think of crisp, freshly laundered sheets or the unparalleled sensation of freshness you experience when you’ve just showered and slipped into bed, then we get it. However, that’s not exactly where we’re heading with this. Basically, it means taking the necessary steps to get adequate and quality rest every night.
For starters, make sure your bedding is comfortable and that your thermostat is set to the ideal temperature for sleeping (somewhere between 60 and 67 degrees Fahrenheit). Sleeping under a weighted blanket can also help your comfort level while snoozing. It helps reduce anxiety, stimulate the production of the hormone serotonin, and increase melatonin, the hormone that aids in sleep.
We all have our own sleeping habits. Create a sleeping environment that best suits you and ensures sufficient rest. Whether you need blackout curtains to block out a bothersome street lamp, earplugs to survive a night with a snoring partner, or you choose to invest in an adult night light as a part of your calming home decor, create a wellness haven by ensuring that your relaxing room ideas really do the best to meet your personal comfort needs.
8. Keep electronics out of the bedroom.
We’ve already discussed the importance of getting sound sleep. But given society’s overwhelming reliance on technology, the focus on electronics usage in the bedroom (or less of it) warrants specific emphasis.
This might prove challenging for those who use a smartphone alarm to get going in the mornings or are accustomed to watching TV before bedtime, but minimizing the presence of—or even the use of—electronics in your sleep space is a significant key to having a healthy home environment. Actively engaging in phones and watching TV in a spot where you’re meant to unwind and sleep soundly is a conflict of interest.
Our favorite tech companions are great when it comes to emailing, posting on social media, and keeping tabs on the popular TV series of the day. But, unfortunately, they also stimulate our minds, disrupt sleep cycles, and are prone to creating stress—which is precisely what we don’t need when our bodies are trying to settle down for some shut-eye.
9. Consider the sounds within your home.
So far, we’ve focused on what it would look like to create an environment of wellness in your home. But the way your home sounds can be just as pivotal.
You can start by taking practical steps to ensure that your home sounds peaceful. You want a space that will absorb all of your stressors instead of adding to them. Next, address any mechanical issues that may produce loud, disturbing noises, such as a cranky cooling system that whirs when it starts up.
From there, if you like the sound of silence, then you’ve hit your sonic sweet spot. The only thing left to do is allow the quiet to take over your mind and your troubles. If the silence is deafening, curate a playlist of soothing, meditative sounds and play it on low volume.
10. Make sure the design flows.
Yes, we’re referring to the ancient Chinese art of feng shui. This term refers to the arrangement of objects and space in a way that ensures that your energies perfectly align with your surroundings. For example, ever walk into a room and immediately feel stifled because every window is either partially or fully blocked?
Recall that sense of tension that arises whenever you enter a space with no clear walkway. That feeling of discomfort is a clear-cut indicator of a lack of balance. Ensure that the space feels open, flowy, and in harmony with your energy.